45 days Money Back Guaranteed

All MERCUPersonal and MERCUBiz Web Hosting include a 45 days money back guarantee. If you are dissatisfied with your service for any reason, you will receive a full refund (minus setup fees and overage charges) if you cancel your account within 45 days of the activation of your account.

Our refund policy does not apply to any additional items or services; this includes Domain Parking services, Domain Registration, Managed DNS and Dedicated services, as well as Reseller programs. No refunds are available after 45 days. In order to cancel service, customers may contact MERCUMAYA's Billing Team via email at billing@mercumaya.net.

The 45 days money back guarantee does not apply to reseller accounts or dedicated servers, or any fees associated with these accounts. The 45 days money back guarantee does not apply to account renewals.

Accounts cancelled/terminated by MERCUMAYA for violating our Terms of Use do not qualify for the 45-days money back guarantee. For example, if your account is cancelled due to spamming, you will not be given any refund.

Please allow 1-4 weeks for refunds of cheque or money transfer payments.